- A NEW 128GB Gigabyte Micro SD memory card. One of the most compact memory cards available today, stores four times as much as our standard 32 GB model. Use this item with many of our portable DVR's and DVR-based nanny cams. Includes micro SD to USB adapter, so the card can be used with any USB laptop or desktop!
[Exhibit A:] We only sell "legal-video-only" nannycams because if they have audio they are illegal to "advertise", "sell", "distribute", or "possess" based on Federal law 18 U.S.C. § 2512 (and many identical State laws).
[Exhibit B:] Almost everyone shopping for nanny cams wants audio (regardess of if they know they are illegal or not).
[Exhibit C:] Since 2008 (or sooner) Amazon's "marketplace" has been loaded with spy cameras, hidden cameras, and nanny cams that have illegal audio features.
A+B+C (+ many others) = We simply can't compete! Therefore after 25 years NannyCam.com is officially going out of the nanny cam business: